Build thousands of molecules from plastic atom models that connect easily using magnets. Experiment on your own by snapping together atoms to form molecules, or follow detailed step-by-step instructions for 150 molecules. Because the physical atom models already have the correct number of free electrons and empty bonding sites, it is difficult to build a molecule that doesn’t actually exist! Build, scan, and identify molecules: the simplest way to learn about atoms, bonding, and chemistry. 50-Atom set includes these atoms: 14 H, 1 he, 2 li, 2 Be, 6 C, 3 N, 6 O, 2 fl, 1 ne, 2 NA, 2 mg, 2 Si, 2 p, 2 SU, 2 cl, and 1 AR. Includes the free happy atoms app (free download), scanning mat, quick start manual.