Prologue -- Part one: Monday. Toronto the Good ; Two-man comedy ; On the assembly line ; Retreat -- Part two: Tuesday. The coast ; The music changed ; New wine in old bottles ; Going on board the ark ; "A crypto-ballsy guy" ; Sketches, not skits ; Not ready for prime time -- Part three: Wednesday. Live from New York ; The friendship economy ; Foxhole writing ; Talk of the town ; The show itself speaking ; Bicentennial ; Starmaking ; Avant-garde v. garde ; Respectable -- Part four: Thursday. The fifth year of college ; In the wilderness ; Faking virginity ; The restoration ; Hands off, hands on ; Mentors, mentees ; Head-crushing ; Spinning off ; The Make-Fun-of-Lorne Show -- Part five: Friday. Saturday night dead ; "Is he doing me?" ; Interference ; The rules of coming and going ; "Can we be funny?" ; The big tent ; Not tonight ; The Trump bump, the plague year -- Part six: Saturday. Epilogue.