Formula for an icon: Marie Curie (1867-1934) -- Part one: School for Physics and Chemistry, 42 Rue Lhomond, Paris. MANYA (Hydrogen) ; MARIE (Iron) ; MADAME CURIE (Tungsten and Molybdenum) ; PIERRE (Uranium) ; ANDRÉ (Actinium) ; EUGÉNIE (Radiotellurium) -- Part two: Sorbonne Annex, 12 Rue Cuvier. HARRIET (Emanation) ; ELLEN (Copper and Lithium) ; LUCIE (Helium) ; SYBIL (Thorium) ; EVA (Radium) ; JADWIGA and IRÉN (Gold) ; HERTHA (Carbon) ; SUZANNE (Platinum and Iridium) ; MAURICE (Ionium) -- Part three: The Radium Institute: Curie Laboratory, 1 Rue Pierre-Curie. IRÈNE (Lead) ; MARTHE (Chlorine) ; MADELEINE (Radioneon) ; LÉONIE (Oxygen) ; MISSY (Silver) ; CATHERINE (Mesothorium) ; FRÉDÉRIC (Radon) -- Part four: Large-scale production facility, Arcueil. ALICJA (Polonium) ; ÉLIANE (Polonium bis) ; ANGÈLE (Bismuth) ; ISABELLE and ANTONIA (Thallium) ; BRANCA (Boron) ; WILLY (Beryllium) ; MARIE-HENRIETTE, MARIETTA, et al. (Aluminum) ; ÈVE (Radiophosphorus) -- Epilogue: MARGUERITE (Francium) -- The radioactivists.