Sidney Barthwell, Jr., court magistrate -- Josephine G. Cooke, businesswoman -- Quoqueze Desiree Craig, fashion model -- Mark Dean, engineer -- Mary Lovenia Deconge-Watson, mathematician -- James A. Emanuel, poet -- Richard E. Harris, journalist -- Chester Higgins, Jr., photographer -- Oliver W. Hill, Sr., civil-rights attorney -- Nicholas Hood, Sr., minister and city councilman -- Paul C. Hudson, bank president -- Herb Jeffries, actor and entertainer -- Gwendolyn Knight, artist -- Marian Kramer, welfare rights organizer -- Jacob Lawrence, artist -- Bruce Lee, biologist -- Jeni Legon, actress and tap dancer -- Josephine Harreld Love, arts advocate -- Walter "Brownie" McGhee, blues musician -- John McLendon, basketball coach -- Geraldine Miller, household technician and social activist -- Rupert Richardson, past president, NAACP -- Richard E. Stewart, Army chaplain -- William H. Waddell IV, veterinarian -- Richard J. Wedgeworth II, physician -- Lawrence Douglas Wilder, mayor -- Marvin Williams, baseball player.