"In a world where weredogs, witches, and humans live side by side, Lumine is a down-on-his-luck weredog with nowhere to turn...until he meets antisocial witch boy Kody. Lumine also has a big, fluffy secret--he is actually a werewolf, a rare and powerful type of magical being thought to be extinct. Except...he can't transform properly. When robbers attack the two boys, Lumine shifts into his other form: a tiny, fierce, and ridiculously cute puppy dog. Impressed with the small-but-mighty pup, Kody's dad hires Lumine to be his sons' bodyguard. Lumine is determined to both protect Kody and become his friend, but the mysterious witch does everything in his power to keep Lumine at arm's length. Without realizing, Lumine has stumbled paws first into a family full of dangerous secrets."--Back cover of Volume 1.