Care tasks are morally neutral -- Kindness to future you -- For all the self-help rejects -- Gentle skill building: The five things tidying method -- Gentle self-talk: Mess has no inherent meaning -- Care tasks are functional -- Gentle self-talk: Find the compassionate observer -- Organized is not the same as tidy -- Susie with depression -- Gentle skill building: Kick-starting motivation -- Care tasks are cyclical -- Gentle skill building: Setting functional priorities -- Women and care tasks -- Gentle skill building: Laundry -- You can't save the rain forest if you're depressed -- Drop the plastic balls -- Gentle skill building: Doing the dishes -- When you don't have kids -- When it's hard to shower -- Caring for your body when you hate it -- Gentle self-talk: "I am allowed to be human" -- Good enough is perfect -- Gentle skill building: Changing bedsheets -- Rest is a right, not a reward -- Division of labor: the rest should be fair -- Gentle skill building: Bathrooms -- Gentle skill building: A system for keeping your car clean -- When your body doesn't cooperate -- Contributing is morally neutral -- Cleaning and parental trauma -- Critical family members -- Rhythms over routines -- Gentle skill building: Maintaining a space -- My favorite ritual: Closing duties -- Skill deficit versus support deficit -- Outsourcing care tasks is morally neutral -- Exercise sucks -- Your weight is morally neutral -- Food is morally neutral -- Getting back into rhythm -- You deserve a beautiful Sunday.