Displaying 1 of 1 Title: Palatine Kindle Paperwhite : Nonfiction Format: Ebook, Electronic Resources, Book Publisher, Date: 2014. Description: Kindle, Kindle case, Power Adaptor, Power Cord Other Author: Agus, David, 1965- Short Guide to a Long Life. Ansari, Aziz, 1983- Modern Romance. Apatow, Judd, 1967- Sick in the Head : Conversations About Life and Comedy. Baier, Bret, author. Three Days in January : Dwight Eisenhower's Final Mission. Barr, William. One damn thing after another : Memoirs of an Attorney General. Brooks, David, 1961- Road to Character. Bryson, Bill, author. Road to Little Dribbling : Adventures of an American in Britain. Bstan-ʼdzin-rgya-mtsho. Dalai Lama XIV, 1935-, author. Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World. Bush, George W. (George Walker), 1946- 41 : A Portrait of My Father. Byrne, Gary J., author. Crisis Character : A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate. Caputo, Theresa. There's More to Life Than This. Carter, Jimmy. Call to Action. Chernow, Ron, author. Grant. Chua, Amy. Triple Package. Clinton, Hillary Rodham. Hard Choices. Coates, Ta-Nehisi, author. Between the World and Me. Comey, James B., Jr., 1960- author. Higher Loyalty : Truth, Lies, and Leadership. Cooper, Anderson. Rainbow Comes and Goes: A Mother and Son on Life. Cramer, Jim. Jim Cramer's Get Rich Carefully. DeSantis, Ron. The courage to be free : Florida's blueprint for America's revival. Desmond, Matthew. Poverty, by America. D'Souza, Dinesh, 1961- author. Hillary's America : the secret history of the Democratic Party. Duckworth, Angela. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. Dunham, Lena, 1986- Not that Kind of Girl : A Young Woman Tells You What She's "Learned". Edsel, Robert M. Monuments Men. Ellenberg, Jordan. How Not to Be Wrong. Field, Sally, 1946- author. In pieces. Finkel, Michael, author. Stranger in the Woods. Fisher, David, 1946- author. Bill O'Reilly's Legends and lies : the patriots. Fuller, Alexandra. Leaving Before the Rains Come. Gates, Robert Michael, 1943- Duty. Gaines, Chip, 1974- author Magnolia Story. Gawande, Atul. Being Mortal : Medicine and What Matters in the End. Graham, Lauren. Talking as fast as I can: from Gilmore girls to Gilmore girls (and everything in between). Harari, Yuval, N., author. Sapiens. Harris, Dan. 10% Happier. Harry, Prince, Duke of Sussex, 1984- Spare. Hillenbrand, Laura. Unbroken : A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption. Isaacson, Walter, author. Leonardo da Vinci. Kalanithi, Paul, author. When Breath Becomes Air. Kaling, Mindy. Why Not Me? Kelly, Megyn. Settle for more. Kilmeade, Brian, author, narrator. Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates : the Forgotten War that Changed American History. Kolbert, Elizabeth. Sixth Extinction. Krauthammer, Charles, 1950- Things That Matter. Kushner, Jared. Breaking history : A White House memoir. Larson, Erik, 1954- Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania. Levin, Mark R. (Mark Reed), 1957-, author. Plunder and deceit : Big Government's Exploitation of Young People and the Future. Levitin, Daniel J. Organized Mind : Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload. Lewis, Michael. Flash Boys. Lewis, Michael. The fifth risk. Lewis, Michael. (Michael M.). Undoing Project : A Friendship That Changed Our Minds. Luttrell, Marcus. Lone Survivor. Macdonald, Helen, 1970- H is for Hawk Manson, Mark. Will. Mayer, Jane, author. Dark Money : the Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right. McCullough, David G. Wright Brothers McCurdy, Jennette. I'm glade my mom died. McNamara, Michelle, 1970-2016, author. I'll be Gone in the Dark. Meacham, Jon. Soul of America : The Battle for Our Better Angels. Melton, Glennon Doyle, 1976 author. Love warrior : a memoir. Mukherjee, Siddhartha, author. Gene : an intimate history. Munroe, Randall. What If? : Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions. Obama, Michelle, 1964- Becoming. O'Reilly, Bill. Killing Patton: The Strange Death of World War II's Most Audacious General. O'Reilly, Bill. Killing Reagon : the Violent Assult that Changed the Presidency. O'Reilly, Bill. Killing the rising sun : how America vanquished World War II Japan. Paley, Rebecca. Troublemaker : Surviving Hollywood and Scientology. Patterson, James, 1947-, author. The Defense Lawyer. Patterson, James, 1947-, author. James Patterson. Poehler, Amy, 1971- Yes Please. Pollan, Michael, author. How to Change Your Mind. Rappaport, Helen. Romanov Sisters. Remini, Leah, 1970- Troublemaker : Surviving Hollywood and Scientology. Rovelli, Carlo, 1956- author. Seven Brief Lessons on Physics. Sacks, Oliver, 1933-2015, author. Gratitude. Savage, Michael, 1942- author. Trump's war : his battle for America. Schumer, Amy, author. Girl with the lower back tattoo. Scott, James (James M.) Target Tokyo: Jimmy Doolittle and the Raid That Avenged Pearl Harbor. Sides, Hampton. In the Kingdom of Ice : The Great and Terrible Polar Voyage of the U.S.S. Jeannette. Simpson, Glenn R. Crime in progress : inside the Steele dossier and the Fusion GPS investigation of Donald Trump Sedaris, David, author. Calypso. Smith, Ian. Super Shred: the Big Results Diet. Springsteen, Bruce, author. Born to Run. Stossel, Scott. My Age of Anxiety. Stratton, Donald. All the gallant men: an American sailor's firsthand account of Pearl Harbor. Trump, Donald, 1946-, author. Crippled America. Vance, J. D., author. Hillbilly elegy : a memoir of a family and culture in crisis. Westover, Tara, author. Educated: a memoir. Wolff, Michael, 1953- author. Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House. Woodward, Bob, 1943- author. Fear : Trump in the Wite House. Yaeger, Don. Thomas Jefferson and the Pripoli Pirates : the Forgotten War that Changed American History. Woodward, Bob, 1943- author. Rage. Yousafzai, Malala, 1997- I Am Malala. Other Title: Kindle Paperwhite eReader Nonfiction Tablet Nonfiction Place Hold Add to My List Expand All | Collapse All Find It Map It Librarian's View Displaying 1 of 1