Amos & Boris / William Steig -- The magic finger / Roald Dahl -- Piggy in the puddle / Charlotte Pomerantz -- The tenth good thing about Barney / Judith Viorst -- Horton hatches the egg / Dr. Seuss -- The shrinking of Treehorn / Florence Parry Heide -- Virgie goes to school with us boys / Elizabeth Fitzgerald Howard -- "Mrs. Gorf" from Sideways stories from Wayside School / Louis Sachar -- The Araboolies of Liberty Street / Sam Swope -- No one is going to Nashville / Mavis Jukes -- Cloudy with a chance of meatballs / Judi Barrett -- Wilma unlimited / Kathleen Krull -- Catwings / Ursula K. Le Guin --Flat Stanley / Jeff Brown -- Little Tim and the brave sea captiain / Edward Ardizzone -- Freckle juice / Judy Blume -- "Mitzi take a taxi" from Tell me a Mitzi / Lore Segal -- "Don't cut the lawn!" from The girl with the green ear / Margaret Mahy -- Ellen's lion / Crockett Johnson -- The bears on Hemlock Mountain / Alice Dalgliesh -- The true story of the 3 little pigs / Jon Scieszka -- No kiss for mother / Tomi Ungerer -- The practical princess / Jay Williams -- The Tomten / Astred Lindgren -- Blue moose / Daniel Manus Pinkwater -- Pierre / Maurice Sendak.