Quick library search: Limit by: Ela Library All Member Libraries New Adult Fiction 15 summers laterThayne, RaeAnne, author. A is for AmishGray, Shelley Shepard, aut... Adrift in currents clean and clearMcGuire, Seanan, author. After the forestWoods, Kell, author. Alien clayTchaikovsky, Adrian, 1972-... All foursJuly, Miranda, 1974- autho... All the summers in betweenFoster, Brooke Lea, author... All this and more : a novelShepherd, Peng, author. Alliance unboundCherryh, C. J., author. And so I roar : a novelDaré, Abi, author. Apostles of mercyEllis, Lindsay, 1984- auth... Apprentice to the villainMaehrer, Hannah Nicole, au... ArkangelRollins, James, 1961- auth... The au pair affair : a novelBailey, Tessa, author. Baby X : a thrillerPeikoff, Kira, author. Back after this : a novelHolmes, Linda (Radio talk ... The backtrackLa Rosa, Erin, 1985- autho... Backwater justiceMichaels, Fern, author. The banned books clubNovak, Brenda, author. Beach vibesMallery, Susan, author. Bear : a novelPhillips, Julia, author. A beautiful couple : a novelWolfe, Leslie (Fiction wri... Before we were usHunter, Denise, 1968- auth... Beg, borrow, or steal : a novelAdams, Sarah, 1991- author... The berry pickers : a novelPeters, Amanda, author. Best hex ever : a novelEl-Fassi, Nadia, author. Better than friends : a novelShalvis, Jill, author. Between friends & lovers : a novelObuobi, Shirlene, author. Beyond the rangesRingo, John, 1963- author. Birth of a remnant : tribulation cult book 2 : ...Phillips, Michael R., 1946... Black godfatherK'wan author. The black hungerPullen, Nicholas, author. Black shield maidenSmith, Willow, 2000- autho... Black woods, blue sky : a novelIvey, Eowyn, author. Blood like mineNeville, Stuart, 1972- aut... Blue sisters : a novelMellors, Coco, author. Book boyfriendWibberley, Emily, author. The book swapBickers, Tessa, author. The book that broke the worldLawrence, Mark, 1966- auth... The booklover's library : a novelMartin, Madeline author. Born of blood and ashArmentrout, Jennifer L., a... Bound to the shadow princeDixon, Ruby, 1976- author. The break-up pact : a novelLord, Emma, author. The Briar Club : a novelQuinn, Kate, author. The bricks that built the housesTempest, Kae, 1985- The brides of High HillVo, Nghi, author. The bright sword : a novel of King ArthurGrossman, Lev, author. The buffalo hunter hunterJones, Stephen Graham, 197... Bull moon risingDixon, Ruby, 1976- author. Buried deep and other storiesNovik, Naomi, author. New Nonfiction The 5 principles : a revolutionary path to heal...Ibomu, Khnum "Stic", autho... The 5 resets : rewire your brain and body for l...Nerurkar, Aditi, author. The 5 types of wealth : a transformative guide ...Bloom, Sahil, author. 10 to 25 : the science of motivating young peop...Yeager, David S., author. 10x is easier than 2x : how world-class entrepr...Sullivan, Dan, 1944- autho... The 12-hour film expert : everything you need t...Charney, Noah, author. The 12-week MBA : learn the skills you need to ...Billhardt, Bjorn, author. 20 Christmas songs for solo classical guitar 40 Taylor Swift songs : really easy piano.Swift, Taylor, 1989- compo... 50 hikes with kids : Illinois, Indiana & OhioDewar, Sharon, author. 50 math tricks that will change your life : men...Zakowich, Tanya, author. 50 successful Harvard application essays : what... 60 quick granny squares : mix & match crochet m... 100 afternoon sweets : with snacking cakes, bro...Kieffer, Sarah, author. 100 nights of a lifetime : the world's ultimate...Vermillion, Stephanie, aut... 101 sample write-ups for documenting employee p...Falcone, Paul, author. 222 cemeteries to see before you dieRhoads, Loren, author. The 1619 Project : a visual experience The 1906-1910 Cubs dynasty : rowdy times and ru...Santella, Gary D., author. 1974 : a personal historyProse, Francine, 1947- 100,000+ baby namesLansky, Bruce, author. Above the noise : my story of chasing calmDeRozan, DeMar, 1989- auth... The absinthe forger : a true story of deception...Rail, Evan, 1972- author. Accessible Ashtanga : an all-levels guide to th...MacGregor, Kino, author. Accidental astronomy : how random discoveries s...Lintott, Chris, author. Accidentally Wes Anderson : adventuresKoval, Wally author. Accordion eulogies : a memoir of music, migrati...Álvarez, Noé, author. The accursed tower : the fall of Acre and the e...Crowley, Roger, 1951- auth... Act like a leader, think like a leaderIbarra, Herminia, 1961- au... The ADHD focus friend : a planning + productivi...Koelma, Grace, author. Adornment and splendour : jewels of the Indian ...Majmūʻat al-Ṣabāḥ (Kuw... Adultish : the body image book for lifeMarkey, Charlotte H., 1975... Aflame : learning from silenceIyer, Pico, author. AfriCali : recipes from my JikoniMoju, Kiano, author. An African history of Africa : from the dawn of...Badawi, Zeinab, 1959- auth... After the death of your spouse : next financial...Piper, Mike, 1984- author. After the flying saucers came : a global histor...Eghigian, Greg, 1961- auth... The age of melt : what glaciers, ice mummies, a...Baril, Lisa, author. Agent of the Iron Cross : the race to capture G...Mills, Bill, 1958- author. Agent Zo : the untold story of a fearless World...Mulley, Clare, author. AI and genealogy : a practical guide to summari...MacEntee, Thomas, author. AI for behavioural scienceMills, Stuart (Economist),... AI for small business : from marketing and sale...Pallen, Phil, author. AI snake oil : what artificial intelligence can...Narayanan, Arvind, author. Air-borne : the hidden history of the life we b...Zimmer, Carl, 1966- author... Al Roker's recipes to live by : easy, memory-ma...Roker, Al, 1954- author. Alcatraz : the last escapeWidner, Ken, author. All in the family : the Trumps and how we got t...Trump, Fred C. (Frederick ... 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A brush with magicAhn, Flora, author. Bunny and ClydeMcDonald, Megan, author. Carrot chaosHolliday, Kit, author. Chai jinxedPinto, Emi, author. The chainbreakersRandall, Julian, author. Chaos theory. Volume Two : the junior novelizat...Behling, Steve, adapter. Cinderella and the Beast ; Beauty and the glass...Bussing, Kim, author. A copycat conundrumYee, Lisa, author. Danger in the dragons' denReyes, Megan, author. Danilo was hereBurgess, Tamika, author. A day with MousseLebourg, Claire, 1985- aut... Deer run home : a novel in verseLeZotte, Ann Clare, author... The diamond explorerYang, Kao Kalia, 1980- aut... Digger : dig or die!Cholette, Deborah, author. The doomsday vaultWheeler, Thomas (Screenwri... The empty placeCole, Olivia A., author. The enemy's daughterBlankman, Anne, author. The factoryEgan, Catherine, 1976- aut... Fairies vs. leprechaunsKorsh, Kate, author. Far-fetchedPapademetriou, Lisa, autho... Forest frightsLerner, Jarrett, author, i... The ghosts of Bitterfly BayAverling, Mary, author. Ghosts of GastownRenwick, Jessica, author. The gorgon's furyMull, Brandon, 1974- autho... Grace the AmazingDarlison, Aleesah, author. Green Jolene and the neighborhood swapMass, Wendy, 1967- author. Harriet HoundFoster, Kate (Children's a... Home sweet homeKeller, Tae, author. How to free a leviathanCannistra, Meg, author. How to steal a dragonHammond, Ryan, 1996- autho... The hunt for the nightingaleJuckes, Sarah Ann, author. I.R.L.Goebel, Jenny, author. Ice apprenticesNorth, Jacob, author. New Teen Books Ab(solutely) normal : short stories that smash ... Aisle nineCho, Ian X., author. Alex Rider, secret weapon : seven untold advent...Horowitz, Anthony, 1955- a... All better nowShusterman, Neal, author. All the fighting partsSawyerr, Hannah V., author... All this twisted gloryMafi, Tahereh, author. Always the almost : a novelUnderhill, Edward, author. Ander & Santi were here : a novelGarza Villa, Jonny, author... 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The calculation of you and meKaylor, Serena, author. Call forth a foxGrabo, Markelle, author. Celestial monstersThomas, Aiden, author. The color of a lieJohnson, Kim, 1979- author... Compass and bladeGreenlaw, Rachel, author. Compound fractureWhite, Andrew Joseph, auth... A crane among wolvesHur, June, author. Crash landingLi, Charmaine Anne, author... A cruel thirstMontoya, Angela, author. The cursed roseVedder, Leslie, author. A darker mischiefMilman, Derek, author. Darkly : a novelPessl, Marisha, author. The darkness within usLevenseller, Tricia, autho... Dating and dragonsBoyce, Kristy, author. Dead things are closer than they appearWasley, Robin, author. Dear WendyZhao, Ann, author. Didn't see that comingSutanto, Jesse Q., author. Diet Soda ClubHayden, Chaz, author. The dividing skyTew, Jill, author. Draw down the moonCast, P. C., author. Dungeons and dramaBoyce, Kristy, author. Eddy, EddyDe Goldi, Kate, 1959- auth... New Movies #AMFAD : all my friends are dead 48 Christmas wishes 200% wolf The abiding nail Accepted Acidman Adam the First Afloat Afraid After ever happy After the storm Airlift Alien. Romulus All creatures great & small. Season 5 All happy families All this I will give to you Apartment 7A The apprentice Ash is purest white Attenborough's life journey Auld lang syne Average Joe Azrael Baby done Bad boys. Ride or die Baghead Banel & Adama Bank of Dave Barbie and Stacie to the rescue The beast within Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Belgravia: the next chapter La bête = The beast Between the temples Beyond the beach : the hell and the hope Beyond the raging sea Big boys The bikeriders Black Jack : the Jackie Ryan story Blink twice Blood. Series 2 Blurred lines Borderlands Bottom of the 9th The boy and the heron The boy in the woods Brian Banks The Brokenwood mysteries. Series 10 Cabrini Carville : winning is everything, stupid New Audiobooks Apprentice in deathRobb, J. D., 1950- author. Be a revolution : how everyday people are fight...Oluo, Ijeoma, author, narr... The bullet that missedOsman, Richard, 1970- auth... Cool food : erasing your carbon footprint one b...Downey, Robert, Jr., 1965-... Dreamland : a novelSparks, Nicholas, author. Fairytale : a novelSteel, Danielle, author. Feel-good productivity : how to do more of what...Abdaal, Ali, author, narra... The great money resetSchlesinger, Jill, author,... Long shadows : a Memory Man thrillerBaldacci, David, author. Master of me : the secret to controlling your n...Palmer, Keke, author, narr... My name is BarbraStreisand, Barbra, author,... Our missing hearts : a novelNg, Celeste, author, narra... Presidents of war : the epic story, from 1807 t...Beschloss, Michael R., aut... TurbulenceWoods, Stuart, author. We are the Brennans : a novelLange, Tracey, author.